What is the Advanced Electronic Signature?

Electronic signature systems are essential to carry out all kinds of procedures.
Understanding what the advanced electronic signature is, its level of security and the contexts in which it can use is essential to comply with regulations and avoid putting ourselves at risk.
What is the Advanced Electronic Signature?
The advanced electronic signature is a series of encrypted data attached to an electronic message to identify the person who sends it. In this way, it is possible to ensure that the message is sent in its original form without any modification, which is called integrity.
One of the main objectives of this type of signature is to redouble the legal guarantees. In recent years, the number of operations carried out using this system has increased, and, at the same time, the demand for security has grown.
The advanced electronic signature would meet this condition because, a priori, the data would be created by the user himself so that the guarantees are doubled.
Are all Electronic Signatures Worth the Same?
It is essential to indicate that can use electronic signatures can use electronic signatures in various contexts but that, depending on the level of identification and security, they may or may not have legal validity. This is why increasing importance is given to systems that guarantee the identification and integrity of the document.
There is a qualitative difference between the simple and the advanced electronic signature: the identification of the signatory, which in the first case is not given, but in the second it is. This will double the security in these cases and allow the signing of certain vital documents.
When to Use the Advanced Electronic Signature?
An advanced electronic signature can use the refined electronic signature in formal contexts. The practical regulation is contained in European Regulation No. 910/2014. However, it should be noted that Law 59/2003 on Electronic Signatures already established in article 3.2 that the advanced electronic signature allows the signatory in question to be uniquely identified.
The Trend of Use of this Mechanism
In some way, the legislation has tended to complement the guarantees by introducing new elements or limiting the existing possibilities.
For this reason, the advanced electronic signature is a system that will be valid for different formal cases. The simple electronic signature would be suitable for more informal contexts or in which the level of demand is lower.
Simplifying can say that the simple electronic signature is only helpful for some instances, while the advanced electronic signature would always be valid. Therefore, it is a modality that, a priori, offers more guarantees and versatility for the average user.
In What Type of Documents is this Signature Used?
Should note that this type of signature can be used on any document signed in this way before a court or administration.
The principal added value of the advanced electronic signature is the ability to go where the simple signature does not go. The following paradigmatic cases are attached in which the refined electronic signature can be used.
1. Contracts
When a contract cannot be signed in handwriting, the advanced electronic signature is the best alternative because it guarantees the user’s identification. In this way, it is possible to sign from places that are very distant from each other with all the security, in such a way that agreements and economic transactions are facilitated in the globalized world because it is no longer mandatory to be in the same place.
It is essential to say that could use this type of signature could use this type signature in a public or private contract. A notary is obliged to accept it if the protocol is fulfilled so that the conditions are relaxed.
2. Official Documents
If it is about signing official documents, the advantage of this signature is that it offers the security of encryption, which does not allow intrusions by strangers or hacking. This is why one could sign laws with this tool since, in recent years, more excellent guarantees have been claimed.
On the other hand, one must remember that this type of signature facilitates day-to-day work because it can carry out ordinary procedures can carry out routine procedures before the Tax Agency, Social Security or Health. This type of signature is valid for the state, regional or local administration.
In short, when users wonder what an advanced electronic signature is, they need to know that it is the mechanism that allows the user to identify himself when signing a document. This modality will enable you to sign commercial contracts and official documents, valid before a court of law. Therefore, it is convenient to know how it works because sometimes it will be necessary to use it.