Mobile Technology 5G How it is Evolving all Around the Globe

Have you ever wondered why mobile phones are also called mobile phones? The reason is obvious: they take this name from the particular technology used for mobile telecommunication. Let’s see what it is.
5G is now the topic of the moment in the telephony sector. This is the new generation network which, progressively, will go alongside the current 4G LTE up to supplant it definitively.
However, the process will be very gradual, and, in reality, it will not only concern the increase in connection speed. Still, it will embrace many areas, affecting the most disparate sectors. In short, a small revolution.
Acronym for “5th Generation“, the number and letters changing the world (and the way) we live in indicate the new generation of mobile networks—the fifth. A completely innovative standard compared to the previous generation.
As 5G increases connectivity speeds – transmitting data 10 times faster than the connections we are used to – edge computing strives to get closer to the end-user or end device to reduce latency, thus forming a powerful pair that could eventually completely replace traditional networks.
How Mobile Technology 5G is Evolving
Mobile telephony uses a particular radio technology formed by a network of repeaters called cells. These repeaters are located on land. Each of them transmits on a different radio frequency so as not to cause interference during the transmission and reception of the signal and ensure sufficient bandwidth for communication.
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When these repeaters or cells are connected to form a network, they can cover a large geographical area and allow many devices (mobile phones, smartphones, etc.) to communicate with each other.
All these thanks to one of the crucial technical aspects of 5G, namely the very low latency. You are playing online in streaming through cloud infrastructures, viewing large live events in streaming on the move, connecting thousands of devices to the network simultaneously, thus making the IoT phenomenon explode. Thanks to the new network standard, these are just some of the innovations that you will have access to.
5G Technology: How Does it Work?
In the era of 4.0 and artificial intelligence, mobile networks are faced with an exponential increase in devices in use. It is also essential that they support all the most advanced potential of these devices at a technical and technological level.
How do you explain the change in standards that makes the ever-increasing connectivity essential in the context just described possible? What do such high efficiency and performance depend on, capable of responding to the needs of infrastructure and smart technology in the era of the Internet of Things (IoT)?
5G technology isn’t just about speed, and availability and reliability are also critical components of the Industry 4.0 applications of the future. In the present, ultra-reliable low-latency communications (URLLC) and edge cloud are already essential for real-time applications and seamless communication with machines beyond traditional networks.
These high values depend, in large part, on the fact that 5G uses radio waves at very high frequencies, up to 300 GHz (current networks, on the other hand, operate within 5GHz).
This allows the exponential increase in speed, but at the same time, the propagation of the signal becomes more difficult, as it is more sensitive to physical obstacles.
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