Foolproof Magic and Tricks to Stand Out in Amazon Ads

The equator of the week starts strong, and a world of magic awaits you ahead. 

We are talking about that magic that leaves a mark, a very sane magic where it can help you improve the results of your Amazon Advertising campaigns, but first of all, let’s begin.

Introducing the king of e-commerce: Amazon Ads

The first thing is to introduce yourself; before your eyes, you have the king of the Ads format for e-commerce platforms with a promising future… We are talking about Amazon Ads, a pay-per-click advertising model, which can become the must of your PPC strategy. And I’m not telling you; the latest studies tell you:

  • We all hear about PPC and think of Google or Facebook, but be careful that Amazon Ads is just a little behind. Since 7 out of 10 Internet users spend an average of €75 on each purchase on this channel, according to data from IAB.
  • PowerReviews points out that 92% of users who start a purchase process on Amazon also end it on Amazon.
  • The average cost per click on Amazon rarely exceeds €0.31, which makes its ads much cheaper than, for example, Google Ads.

Amazon Ads has been going strong and has nothing to envy to the best-known advertising platforms such as Google or Facebook. 

The wealth it has to segment products and impact your purchasing niche is beastly. With its collaborative filtering, you can reach greater customization than any other Ads platform. 

You can know in a second the browsing history of your users, their current purchase behaviour, and the latest products they have visited the most, and filter by tags to know their preferences, previous purchases, carts and products they have marked as favourites. This feature is currently available with Sponsored Displays and Sponsored Products.

And do not think that it is very different from Google Ads. We work with PPC strategies based on keywords with a broad phrase or exact match to position the product catalogue based on categories, with sponsored products being their top format, which is not different from Google Shopping formats.

Step by step, create your first successful campaign.

Before explaining how to create your campaign in Amazon Ads, you must know that you must have an active seller account in Seller Central and, to work with Sponsored Displays, Sponsored Brands and Stores formats, you must be enrolled in the Brand Registry at Amazon. Once you have all this, voila, let’s get to work. 

1. Once registered (if you are a new user) or logged in to Seller Central, click on the “Advertising” tab, access your campaign Manager and click on the create campaign button.

2. You must select the type of campaign you want. In addition to these three formats, we can work with programmatic ads with Amazon DSP in display format, video ads, and audio ads. These campaigns are very interesting since they offer segmentation in greater detail than in Amazon Advertising. With this modality, you can work in two types of campaigns Link-in (with which you can redirect the user to the product page within the marketplace) and Link-out (redirect the user outside the marketplace). 

3. Now comes the step of configuring your campaign. Define the campaign name and the start and end date, or only mark the start date if it is a long-term campaign with no marked end date. Complete the daily budget you will invest in your campaign up to here; easy, right? Well, you already have the configuration ready without defining your segmentation. 

4. In the segmentation, we will have two main options to choose from Automatic segmentation and manual segmentation. We recommend working with manual segmentation, with which you can enjoy the collaborative filtering we previously had and segment your products by specific keywords. Once you have selected your targeting option (in this case, manual), you can choose a second targeting for your ad group with two options: keyword targeting or product targeting. 

  • If you have previously completed keyword research, we recommend choosing keyword targeting.
  • On the contrary, we only have a study of the market and the competition. Your ideal segmentation option will be the by-product.

5. If we choose the option of segmentation by keywords, we go to a key phase in the development of your campaign, and we have to choose between three types of segmentation: broad, phrase or exact. 

  • If you choose the broad match, you have to know that not only will your campaign be shown for the specific keyword that you put. For example, “coffee cup” but also variant search terms of the keyword, singular, plural or abbreviations such as “espresso coffee cup”, “large coffee cup”, and “office coffee cup” will be returned.
  • With phrase match, users will see the keyword you defined as “coffee cup”. Although, other terms may appear before and after the keyword, for example, “buy a cup of coffee” or “cheap cup of coffee”.
  • In the case of an exact match, it is when the customer’s search term matches the keyword you are bidding on 100%. If we position for “coffee cup,” the user will only see your ad when they search for “coffee cup”.

6. Within the keyword segmentation section, you can also make your keywords negative. An optional function but necessary to refine your bids even more, reduce your conversion cost, and improve your ROAS. For example, excluding your competitors or general keywords that are negative for the brand like “free”, “no-cost”, “free”, “counterfeit”, “fraud”, “imitation”, etc. 

7. The option to customize your bid strategies is no less important; you can choose between two options. The dynamic (they can be reduced or increased when a sale is possible) and fixed (an exact bid will always be used based on the manual price you have defined). For further customization, below, you have a dropdown where you can adjust your bids by location or location. 

Five tricks to rock your sales with Amazon Ads

  • With the campaign already created and active, the moment of truth arrived… good magic, not the kind where we set ourselves surreal objectives and fall into a complete fable thinking that with “about €30 of a monthly investment, plus the variable cost that I can imagine putting my products on the Amazon Ads market, I will sell in no time”.
  • We start with an alohomora or what is the same, keep the door open to optimize your campaigns with new structures, be it by brand, by product category or by the best-selling products.
  • We continue with a good dose of expecto patronum that comes in handy with the negativization of your keywords and keeps certain ads at bay so that they do not appear in some specific searches.
  • Avoid the spell of confusion and do not fall into the trap of confusing and mixing your keywords because I do not know if you knew, but 60% of the success of Amazon Ads campaigns depends on your keyword selection. Using long tails is always a success, and if you accompany it with strong bids on your best-performing keywords, you will get guaranteed results.
  • A good spell of expelliarmus or what is the same is a good bid on complementary products on the product detail page. It is the perfect technique to disarm your opponent and impact users by appearing inches below your competition’s products on the product page.
  • Be aware of what can be the lumos spell in your Amazon Ads campaigns. Your customers’ star ratings and reviews will shed great light on your ads as you will gain credibility and trust with your brand’s products. The minimum number you should achieve is an average rating of 3.5 stars and at least 15 customer reviews.
Tags: Amazon Ads
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